I Dare Not Walk Alone


About two years ago, I packed my survival kit {notebook, colored pencils, maps, and songs} and took off on a journey: choose a passage, print it out, read it over and over again for several months, use every creative means possible to learn it well and soak it up, meet weekly with friends who are doing the same, then blog the highlights.

Wait. Friends who are doing the same?

Oh yes.

A friend got me started with Hebrews, Colossians, Philemon, and a few chapters of LukeAnd the journey began.

I asked my “Bible study” friends back home to try this new idea of actually studying the Bible. So we worked on Malachi, then Romans, then James.

A sweet, younger friend, who also happened to be a music student of mine, started staying late after piano lessons so we could study Ephesians, then eventually Ruth. Then, my pastor preached on Ruth, a group of church ladies did a weekend study of Ephesians, and my community group worked through James. Double dose for the win.

I asked my roommate if she wanted to study Scripture with me, and she said, “Sure! How about Isaiah?” I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Two years later, and we’ve finally hit the half-way mark.

Blogging itself has led to new Bible-study friendships, and I started Skyping through the book of 1 Peter with an online friend. She had to drop due to scheduling, so another of my sisters decided to help me “complete” 1 Peter. When she had to drop due to scheduling, I issued a call for ladies to please help me finish 1 Peter! A summer study ensued, with a number of ladies participating.

Then, a small group of ladies from church accepted the challenge to study the book of Mark along with our pastor’s sermon series.

My mom and sister decided they didn’t want to miss out, so we tackled Titus.

When a housemate found out about the “unique” study method I love, she requested we adopt a single chapter of Proverbs for a month or two.

30+ women. 100+ chapters. 2 years. And counting.

That crazy life of Scripture saturation? This is what it looks like for me at the moment.

“Boring and border-line insane,” you may think, but oh, dear friend, it is quite the opposite!

If only I could tell you all about these delightful times of gathering around the Word. The random “light bulb” discoveries. That awkward lull in the conversation. Fits of laughter. Timely stories that are almost uncanny.

And if only I could tell you about each of these dear friends who have walked with me. Whose hearts radiate an insatiable desire to know God. Whose ponderings continually prove to be beautifully profound and powerful. Whose lives illustrate the markings in our notebooks.

Sometimes I can hardly believe they squeeze our study into their week – on top of personal time in the Word. They load up their kids, or step out of the house for the evening, and they actively participate. They listen to my senseless ramblings. They hold my weak hand with their strong arms of conviction and clarity.

They make this joyous journey what it is.

With over a thousand chapters and a lifetime of a journey ahead, one thing is certain – I dare not walk alone.

 [image credit: unsplash.com]

16 thoughts on “I Dare Not Walk Alone

  1. Just curious, how do you usually do this with ladies who have kids? I’ve done this kind of thing during kids nap times before, but do you have any more practical advice for how mothers can participate well?


    1. Well, you might say this has been a struggle. My Mark study group involves a few young mothers with several young kids. So far, I’d say we just press through the distractions, because their parenting approach tends to be more “chill.” So our time is rather loud and interrupted. I can’t rightly challenge their approach as I have never been a mother, but I tend to think there’s a way to teach even the youngest child to play quietly {demonstrated so well in your church, actually!}. Anyway, I’m used to little kids and noises, so I’ve just rolled with it so far. It doesn’t seem to bother the mothers, and they don’t mind participating at that level.
      Funny story – one of our meetings was particularly loud and distracting because of the kids. And we were discussing Mark 10:13-16. So that taught us a timely lesson or two. Regardless of how the situation should be handled, I was really convicted of my attitude towards the kids and all the “disruptions” they bring to our study time.
      Anyway, sorry I don’t have any great ideas! I’d love to hear if you find something that works for you!


  2. “Sometimes I can hardly believe they squeeze our study into their week – on top of personal time in the Word.” People make time for what they want, and what we can see from your post is that it’s totally possible!


  3. This sounds like a very different way to absorb the Word! Sounds as well like a major commitment, but it intrigues me nonetheless! Happy to be visiting as your neighbor at #TellMeYourStory


    1. Oh, I just love it! Yes, it requires some “commitment,” you might say. But don’t let my list of experiences intimidate you! This same kind of Scripture study can happen on all levels in any season of life. It doesn’t have to take a dozen hours a week. You just find what works for you! I outline the Bible study method a little better in this post in case you’re interested: https://journeyoftheword.com/2016/04/17/my-favorite-bible-study-method-in-7-easy-steps/. Hope you can try it sometime. I’d love to hear what you think about it!


  4. How beautiful that you have had these different people to walk alongside in your journey through the Word! I know it is hard when the plan changes, but know that God brings each person for a reason in the season!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a great approach to immersing yourself in the Word – with your very own cheerleaders beside you! I’m about to embark on a book club bible study with a new friend and I’m so looking forward to what we’ll learn one another along the way! Visiting today from #coffeeforyourheart.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It’s so important to have friends along on any journey we travel through life. My closest (local and relationship) mom friend and I are actually thinking of doing a nanny share so we can each travel our Motherhood, Stay-at-home-mom, and goal/business journeys alongside one another! 🙂


  7. Thank you so much for joining us for Friendship Friday at Create With Joy, Lydia!
    I really love your blog, your mission, your articles and all of the wonderful resources you’ve shared!
    I’m SO excited to introduce you to our community as our Friend Of The Week at this week’s party – #244!
    Have a blessed week and be sure to leave a comment on your visit so I’ll know you stopped by! 🙂


  8. That is a fantastic post! There have been times in my life when I had a friend soaked in scripture with me! I need it again. I’ll have extra kids this summer. Now to decide what we’ll read together.

    Liked by 1 person

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