Sermon Notes That Rhyme

Some people have what can only be described as a gift.

So it is with my friend, Tammy.
For years, she has crafted poems from her pastor’s sermons.
While she listens to the sermon. 

It started in high school and became a weekly routine.
“I usually get one line in my head, and then they basically write themselves.”

With her permission, I share a few, that all may enjoy their beauty
{and that some may be inspired to use their own gifts to display the Word}.

Read the Scripture passage first {or listen to the sermon},
then enjoy Tammy’s “sermon notes that rhyme.”


First, a poem inspired by Ephesians 6.
I first encountered Tammy’s work when she presented this piece
during an inductive study of the book of Ephesians.

Get Dressed To Be Blessed
Ephesians 6

This morning as my day is about to begin…
I need to remind myself I am serving God not men.
All that I have is from Him because He has blessed.
It is in His full armor that I should be dressed…
All day long stress and struggles at me will be hurled.
I am battling the dark forces of this fallen world.
So I need not get ready in haste…
I need to first put the belt of truth around my waist.
The breastplate of righteousness protects my heart.
God has me but I am to do my part.
Now out the door but before I can cruise…
I have to have the right pair of shoes.
These come from the gospel of peace…
May my steps for Christ not soon cease.
With the shield of faith in hand…
I can handle what I may not understand
Not go out into the world,
Why should I fear it?
Because I will be dressed for success
with the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit.
Now last but not least if I stay alert and pray…
I will be ready for the day!!

The next two cover Mark 5 and are some of Tammy’s most recent from our church’s sermon series.
Follow the sermon links to hear messages by Andy Barlow which inspired these poems.

What Is Christianity?
Mark 5:1-20

As Christians we are often called to roam…
Out of our comfort zone.
Just like the tombs of the story today or the storm on the sea…
Afraid, yes we might be.
Today we explain away like no big deal…
But fact is demons are real!!
They cause someone who was once normal to break from reality.
But God didn’t deal with them with mere pity.
Compassion and mercy is what Jesus would show…
What has happened to him, we do not know?
Too many questions we don’t always have the answer…
But in Jesus we always have the cure!!
The theme that runs through is the sin of uncleanness…
Without Jesus we all are an unclean MESS!
Taking the wrath of God for us…
Giver of grace is JESUS!!
Like the demon possessed man he asks us to tell…
Others about Christ to keep them from HELL!!
Christianity is Christ showing mercy to hopeless people…
Not a church building with a tall pretty steeple.
Only in Christ can we truly live…
Before Christ we were like a corpse, UNRESPONSIVE!!
Deserving, into hell to be hurled…
Because we were part of the world.
We were worthless and depraved…
But in Christ Jesus we are mercifully SAVED!
This MERCY should amaze us everyday…
We are to be on mission, walking in HIS WAY!!
Our story with others we are to share…
We can simply start by going home and sharing with all those who are there.
And you really don’t have to go out and search to find…
Merely talk to those who come to mind.
The challenge is to share YOUR story…
Always giving GOD the GLORY!!

The Touch
Mark 5:21-43

Struggles are here and groaning we do.
But it is not the end we are not through…
We have a savior that makes all things NEW!!
Jesus’ promises are TRUE!!
Back in Christ’s day it became the norm,
that where Jesus was crowds formed.
The religious leaders of the day
thought they knew it all…
But Jairus found out that on Jesus he must call!!
Also there was a woman who had suffered for 12 years very much…
Gave EVERYTHING she had for healing but knew what she needed was Jesus’ TOUCH!!
She knew what FAITH truly did mean…
Imperfect though it was she was immediately healed and no longer unclean.
Touching Him was a big deal…
But Christ’s acceptance made her faith REAL!!
All of us outcasts though we be…
Faith saves us all by God’s GRACE!!
This we all need to see!
We learn through Jairus not to fear…
Death will not have the last word, Jesus made this clear!!
Raising her from the dead the crowd he truly did amaze.
Won’t you live for Him all of your days?
Death the ultimate enemy that we face…
Christ is the victor we must embrace!!
In Christ we can look death in the face and tell it to sit down…
“HAPPY FEET” all around!!
Because in Him we are not lost.
Jesus swallowed up death, He paid the COST!!!

 [image credit: &,
All poems by Tammy Zielberg and used by permission of Tammy Zielberg]

9 thoughts on “Sermon Notes That Rhyme

  1. Hi again, Lydia. Visiting again from another linkup today. Nice to bump into you again. 🙂 I have never seen this poetry of scripture done before. How lovely. What a great idea. Makes the verses come alive in a new way. Thank you for sharing. ((blessings))

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Lydia – love this! Tammy certainly has a wonderful God-given gift! So glad you shared with #TheCozyReadingSpot – You are going to be featured this week on the link up! Thanks for joining us.

    Liked by 1 person

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