5 Thoughts for The Overloaded Mind


I took one of those “personality” quizzes, and scored almost 100% on “intellect.” No, I’m not incredibly smart. I just think too much.

In a fast-paced world of technology, entertainment, and mindlessness, most struggle to concentrate on or think deeply about anything for more than a minute.

Today, I write to those of you whose fight is quite the opposite. You read, and study, and write, and discuss, until you bust the seams of your mental capacity, and find it impossible to think straight, and forget what day it is, and it’s all a blur, and your brain says, “Enough!”

When I hit this point, I was so discouraged, because when everything became a blur, my beloved world of Scripture-study did, too!

I was trying to concentrate on several Scripture passages a week, and meet weekly with my Bible-study partners to discuss it, and keep up with several weekly mentoring meetings, and put out two blog posts a week, and deal with intense relationship stuff, and keep the dishes clean and the floors vacuumed so my life wouldn’t fall apart.

I thought my brain was going to explode, and the worst part was, I couldn’t remember where to find the book of Ezekiel.

Well, not exactly. But that’s how bad my brain mushiness felt!

And here’s what I learned.

1. Remove the garbage so there’s more room for the treasure. Why exactly does your brain feel like it’s on overload? Perhaps junk is taking over and crowding out the good? If you truly want your mind to feast on Christ, remove all that is not of him.

2. Filling your mind with the Word is limited to exactly 3 million methods. A.k.a. be creative. When your brain needs a break from Scripture study, listen to a sermon. Turn on some Scripture music. Illustrate a verse or two. A break from Scripture doesn’t have to be a break from Scripture.

3. A life of thinking Scripture leads to a life of living Scripture. For Scripture to be lived, we must stop thinking about it now and then and live it! Don’t be afraid to leave the colored pencils and black notebook to go do what that beloved Word in your lap says to do! Otherwise, what’s the point?

4. When you leave your study, take the Word with you. We complete this circular reasoning exercise, by saying, “Keep the Word in your mind wherever you go!” It doesn’t have to be a conscious thing. The Word can work in your mind without your awareness. Let it marinate, infiltrate, and permeate, so that when you do, and say, and be, it is to blame.

5. The mind can never be too full of truth. It is amazing how much our brains can handle! God is abundantly kind to give us great mental capacity so we can keep packing in truth after truth, and there’s still plenty of room left! So when the gauge feels full on Tuesday, remember it gains new capacity on Wednesday when God’s morning mercies kick in.

So, rejoice, my friend, when your brain feels overloaded with truth. May it cause you to rest and replenish, that you may continually fill your mind to overflowing with the precious treasure of God’s Word.

 [image credit: pixabay.com]

7 thoughts on “5 Thoughts for The Overloaded Mind

  1. Point number one really grabbed me. “Remove the garbage so there’s more room for the treasure.” There are times we need to diversify as you said, and digest scripture in other ways. Thank you for sharing your encouraging post with us here at Tell me a Story.

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  2. I relate: I also think too much. Sigh. (I’m a 5 on the Enneagram, which means I love more and more information.) So I love these tips: remove the garbage (check Twitter less often!) and get creative with living the Word. Thanks, Lydia!

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  3. Hello Lydia! So, my sister Amy (over at ArtOfThisLife) told me about your blog a couple months and I’ve been reading it off and on since then. I wanted to comment though because this post was so extremely helpful to me! One of my “hobbies” or biggest enjoyments is Scripture memory. I spent a good portion working on it each day, and at times can be weary after working on it for a long amount of time. Point 2 especially was helpful – “A break from Scripture doesn’t have to be a break from Scripture.” Wow! Sometimes after memorizing for a long amount of time I just want to put it aside, but your point helped me to realize that I can continue being in the Word through different avenues – sermons, illustrating, etc.

    And lastly, I really enjoyed your post on Proverbs 3. I would have actually joined your memory challenge for this year, except I’m in the middle of working on some of my own goals in memory and wasn’t ready to take a break from them at the moment. I appreciate your delight in the Word – it has been a blessing to me! It is great to “meet” other people who love being in God’s Word!!



    1. Thanks so much, Bethany! I’m so glad you found this post helpful! It’s always so great to “meet” someone else who has a passion for Scripture study! And hope you can join our memory challenge next year!


  4. Goodness, I can definitely relate to brain mushiness. I even wrote a post about it recently, but I called it brain fuzz instead. 😉 I think way too much. As a mostly introverted person, I live inside my brain. One of my prayers for this year is for God to help me FOCUS!!!

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts at Literacy Musing Mondays. I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels like this!

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  5. Yes! I lived in that “brain mushiness” my entire time in seminary. There were days, sometimes while taking Old Testament exams, when I really did forget where to find the Book of Ezekiel. Slowly, I learned how to, as you say in Point Two, engage Scripture without studying it. Sometimes, that meant singing the Psalms or practicing Lectio Divina. Thank you for the reminder… and for making me feel less alone in my “mushiness.”

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