A Life Only God Could Have Dreamed

a life only god could have dreamed

Tomorrow, I celebrate 30 years of life. While I wouldn’t mind if this birthday were still in the distant future, I can honestly say I’m grateful for these 30 years and the many unfulfilled dreams that have come with them.

For in the place of my unfulfilled dreams, I’ve been given a beautiful gift: a life only God could have dreamed.

In honor of the occasion – thirty lessons I’m learning:

1. Life is a race with time. Thirty, though perhaps young, has a way of highlighting the pending finish line.

2. The gospel comes first. It must, it does, and it will. And life will be sweeter if I take notice of it.

3. The sweet grace that became mine at the age of five is a beautiful, incomprehensible grace. How can it be that my God should die for me?

4. Silence is mind-boggling when people need the Jesus I have. And for many of my thirty years I kept my mouth shut, as if they might just ask.

5. Because my greatest aim in life is to know God, my greatest aim in life is to know his Word. And this is why there can be no such thing as boredom.

6. God is bigger than political agendas, medical dilemmas, destroyed plans, perilous situations, broken relationships, and the great unknown of my calendar. And everything else.

7. The church, as defined by its Maker, is one of the most beautiful joys of this life. Only recently have I considered how it’s defined by its Maker. So only recently have I truly experienced its joys.

8. The worst kind of “Christian life” is a normal one. Because “normal,” in today’s world, is about as unbiblical as it comes.

9. If my expectations for a person exceed the work of the gospel, I don’t qualify. I, too, have a past.

10. The greatest way to honor my parents is to honor God first. I had that one backwards for a long time.

11. I love my siblings too much. The best of friends can become the worst of idols.

12. Pain is a powerful teacher. So powerful that you almost feel privileged to experience it.

13. Extremes come easy. What the Bible says is better.

14. The internet is one of the greatest opportunities of our day. Might as well shout truth as long as this world will let you. It’ll give you practice for when they don’t.

15. There can be no goodbyes in the family of God. So a brother once told me.

16. Living biblically requires knowledge of the Bible. No other person’s viewpoints can take the place of it.

17. Obedience to Christ might put you at odds with everyone, including Christians. If you’re truly obeying Christ, it doesn’t matter if you’re the only one in the world.

18. Most of the money God gives you isn’t meant to be kept. Or spent.

19. The most important thing you can teach your children is how to love the Bible. All other education is lesser.

20. Today’s world is, more often than not, rather idiotic. Refuse to join the crowd.

21. If you feel like you’re wandering in a foreign land, that’s because you are. You never know – home may be closer than you think. Wait with anticipation and patience.

22. Humbly take initiative. The result is usually character, influence, and blessing.

23. Beauty is found, not in health and happiness, but in the words of a joyful, dying man. It seems he wasn’t expecting death, but rather anticipated dying without it.

24. I can live a fulfilled life without marriage. When you expect to be married at 17, and aren’t at 30, you learn a thing or two about waiting. And the next day, you learn again. {And fair warning, ladies. You might not marry the first guy you meet. Or the fifth.}

25. If you’re constantly trying to squeeze Bible-study into your day, you’ve got it all backwards. Somehow, everything you need to accomplish happens when the Bible is there first.

26. The stories of saints gone before surpass any and all other “entertainment.” In quality, worth, and impact.

27. Fear is an opportunity, and pain is my friend. Because if I say otherwise, Satan might think he’s winning. 

28. God might give you a talent, a college education, and years of experience for something he’ll take away. It’s almost like he’s preparing you for something greater. 

29. The next step for my life can always be summed up in this simple phrase: Love God. And there I find his will.

30. If I had known to dream up this wonderful, thirty-year-old life I’m living, I’m sure I wouldn’t have. Thank God, he is in control.

And now I can only pray for the grace to look at year thirty-one with a simple, Yes, Lord. Whatever you think is best.

 [image credit: pixabay.com]

29 thoughts on “A Life Only God Could Have Dreamed

  1. Happy 30th birthday!! And just love what you share here: powerful truths. This, Amen: “19. The most important thing you can teach your children is how to love the Bible. All other education is lesser.” Yes!!! And number 10 was a painful lesson for me…I had it around the wrong way for twenty plus years….oh the joy I missed because of it! Thank you for always encouraging us to lean into God and His beautiful truth.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy birthday, dear Lydia. I loved your beautifully written list. Especially #5, 6, 16, and 17. So much wisdom there. I hope you have a peaceful and blessed day tomorrow.

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  3. Happy Birthday, Lydia! This was such a good post. Number 15 spoke deeply this morning as we buried my father-in-law just last Monday. Each point in this post is something to sit and think on. I am so grateful our God continues to teach us throughout all of our days!


    1. I’m sorry to hear that! Yes, it is such a consolation to know that, when you’re bound together by the blood of Christ, nothing, not even death, can separate you! It’s a relationship that lasts forever!


  4. You are wise beyond your years!

    EVERY insight you listed was extremely edifying to me. I would have highlighted every one back to you here!

    But my biggest take home message which really every other insight you shared is born out of is:

    25. If you’re constantly trying to squeeze Bible-study into your day, you’ve got it all backwards. Somehow, everything you need to accomplish happens when the Bible is there first.

    Thank you so much for sharing and Happy happy birthday!!


  5. Happy birthday! I used to think 30 was old…now I’m inching closer to 50 :). You’ve learned some wonderful lessons along the way. May God continue to use you and guide you. Welcome to #InspireMeMonday :)!

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  6. I love the idea of 30 lessons for 30 years of life. I think I’ll start making my 37 lessons. These are great, Lydia. Thank you for linking up to Open Mic Monday at Cisneros Cafe! Have a blessed week and Happy Birthday!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Happy Birthday dear Lydia. I love your 30 words of wisdom. I was thinking about our two daughters who both married in their 30’s. They did not settle for any body less and the wait was worth it. One joined a Christian dating service (not necessarily recommended) but it worked for her. The other had a good friend, who had a friend that rented her cottage to a nice fellow. The two friends arranged a dinner and introduction, and that was that. Sometimes being single is God’s plan, but not always. Thank you for sharing with us here at Tell me a Story.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. What a neat list! Happy 30th birthday. Several on your list had my head nodding. This one is my favorite > “9. If my expectations for a person exceed the work of the gospel, I don’t qualify. I, too, have a past.” Amen. #intentionalTuesday

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Wow…you share great perspective here Lydia. Happy birthday to You too! It is a beautiful thing when God reveals Himself and His plans for us. We may not always understand but I cannot think of anyone better to put my trust in. I think I have visited you here before but I came over today via the Cisneros Cafe. Now , if I had to pick my favorite of your 30 it would be number 27! Although I love them all…I said a huge “amen” when I read this one, “Fear is an opportunity, and pain is my friend. Because if I say otherwise, Satan might think he’s winning” I will have to share that point! I wish you continue success in all your endeavors over the next 30 years. Have wonderful week and God bless!.


  10. Hi There. I am visiting from Open Mic Monday. I was going to pick out my favorite from you list but I just cant pick only one! I love all of these! Such great truths and lessons learned. Happy Birthday to you! I’d love to invite you to link up anytime with Jesus & Coffee linkup on Wednesdays over at http://www.amommasjoy.com! Have a wonderful week!

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  11. super list ! I loved number 21 – we’re not really home all glory. I’m (maybe) closer than you are – my 64th is next week. I’d need to start now to make that kind of a list …not sure anyone would want to read such a long one but I may try! blessings – and next to you at coffee this evening.

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    1. Great question…that I’m not sure I’ll be able to answer very well! I would say I’m mostly referencing the legalism vs. licentiousness extremes, both of which are unbiblical. In my experience, it’s easy to be legalistic. And it’s easy to wave the flag of Christian liberty and come up with “permission” to do whatever you want. But it’s difficult to stand on the clear truth of Scripture alone and not be swayed toward one of these extremes or the other. My answer probably needs further explanation, but hope that helps to give you an idea!

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